Lights for Halloween? A Frightfully Good Idea!

Sure, it’s a great idea to hand Christmas lights on your property during the holiday season. They’re also appropriate for parties, weddings, or other outdoor events any time of year. But what about putting up lights for Halloween?

Think about it. A few strands of orange-colored outdoor lights could add an extra facet to your Halloween decorations. Your home would appear even more festive as all of the kids visited your home while trick-or-treating. Or they’d be ideal as part of your decorations for a Halloween party for older kids – or adults! Plus, having a brightly lit home during Halloween would also add a degree of safety for people who are out and about on Halloween night.

Of course, you don’t have to string all those lights up on your own if you don’t want to. Why not call in the professionals at No Fuss Lights to do it?

No Fuss Lights will provide the same high-quality, personalized service for your Halloween lighting needs as they will for your Christmas outdoor displays. Whether it’s a standard lighting arrangement or something a little more complex and unique, No Fuss Lights will provide you with a design plan and all of the equipment necessary to build your Halloween scene. And as always, they’ll use energy-efficient LED lights and won’t make you purchase complicated timers, outlets, or other infrastructure products.

So if you wanted your home to be the brightest or scariest one on the block when Halloween rolls around, why not let No Fuss Lights lend a hand with you outdoor lighting needs? Call them at 281-809-7021or visit them online at

No Fuss Lights and your Electrical Structure

You’ve undoubtedly seen some of those majestically bright but colossally complex Christmas light displays. Maybe some of them are even in your own neighborhood. Perhaps there’s a part of you who yearns to show off your home in a similar manner throughout the holiday season. But then you think Yeah, but imagine the electricity bill I’d have to pay – plus, it would probably overload my electrical system.

Well, think again.

If you want a Christmas light display that all of your friends, neighbors, and even passersby will be amazed by, No Fuss Lights is the Holiday Lighting Company to call. Their experienced designers can help you create a yuletide scene that is as big as your imagination.

And here’s the best part: you won’t need to make major changes to your electricity infrastructure! That’s right – no need to put in additional outlets, install new breakers, or buy intricate Christmas light timer systems. Plus, you won’t be shelling out buckets of cash to pay for your utility bills.

Why? First of all, No Fuss Lights utilizes LED technology, which requires a fraction of the power needed to illuminate incandescent lights. That’s why LED lights are not only more energy-efficient, but also safer because they don’t emit nearly as much heat as their incandescent counterparts. No Fuss Lights offers the highest quality LED bulbs available on the market today.

No Fuss Lights offers an exclusive LED product line comprised of materials that are guaranteed to outperform any incandescent bulb on the market.

Before you protest by saying, “But LEDs look green or have a bluish tint,” we promise you that ours don’t. We are so confident in our commercial-grade LED white C9 bulbs that we offer a free change-out program to customers who don’t agree. That’s right – if you are unhappy with the look of our LED products, then we will return to your home and replace them with the old-style incandescent bulbs at no cost!

Again, No Fuss Lights will never ask you to purchase extra breaker boxes, or other fancy add-ons that other installers may sneak into your package. No Fuss Lights can power holiday light displays of any size easily and reliably using LED light sets – without tripping your breakers or posing a fire hazard to your property. Plus, if an incandescent Christmas light bulb is hot to the touch and can even burn skin, why would you want to line the roof of your home with something so potentially dangerous? Remember, LED C9 bulbs require 90% less electricity – and stay cool to the touch!

So why not give No Fuss Lights a call today at 281-809-7021, or visit them online at Maybe this can be the year where everybody talks about your Christmas light installation.

No Fuss “More Than Just” Lights

If you’re pondering the idea of professionally-installed outdoor lights for your Christmas display this year, you might question the value of a company that only provides lights. But you would be incorrect to assume that No Fuss Lights is nothing more than a company who hangs Christmas lights.

In reality, No Fuss Lights is more than just a basic holiday illumination company. We also provide:

  • Installation – so you don’t have to get up on the ladder to hang the lights yourself
  • Removal – so your lights don’t stay up til Memorial Day
  • Wreaths – for your front door or windows
  • Bows – for lampposts, doors, and columns
  • Garlands for trees, bushes, and balconies
  • Lawn ornaments – to add a unique touch to your holiday display
  • Mini-trees – that can be erected in yards or flowerbeds
  • Timers – to turn your lights on and off at certain times, or to allow them to flicker and twinkle continuously
  • LED bulbs – which use a fraction of the electricity that incandescent bulbs do
  • Storage – so you don’t have to find room in your home to store all of these items for ten or eleven months

So you see, No Fuss Lights provides so much more than our name implies. Unfortunately, we determined that it would be cumbersome to name our company NoFussLightsInstallationRemovalWreathsBowsGarlandsLawnornamentsMiniTreesTimersLEDBulbsStorage

To find out how No Fuss Lights can simplify your holiday season while creating a holiday display that will turn heads and light up the neighborhood, call us at 281-809-7021 today. Or drop us an email at

The Price of a Fall in Winter

Even though you’ve seen advertisements for No Fuss Lights, maybe you’re thinking that this service is not for you. After all, why pay good money for professionals to do a job that you can complete yourself?

Let’s take a closer look at that logic – especially when it comes to what can go wrong.

Say you’re up on a ladder, wearing a coat or jacket (and maybe gloves) and trying to string up your Christmas lights. Since you only do this once a year, it’s taking a while to get everything done. And maybe…

  • a gust of wind knocks you off balance, or
  • the ladder isn’t on a completely flat surface, or
  • you lean just a little too far to fasten that last bulb on a light strand, or
  • the horizontal spreaders on your stepladder aren’t completely horizontal and start to fold in, or
  • your extension ladder is positioned just a little too steeply

… and you fall off the ladder and onto the ground below.

This isn’t some hypothetical, it-can’t-happen-to-me scenario. According to the World Health Organization, roughly 164,000 people a year make a trip to an emergency due to a ladder fall. Many of them suffer severe abrasions, broken bones, or concussions – and about 300 of them die from their injuries each year.

Even if you have health insurance, the costs of the ER visit will take a pretty big chunk out of your holiday budget. Plus, you may have to spend part of the Christmas season in bed, with a cast, or on crutches. Happy holidays!

Not only will No Fuss Lights create a festive holiday lighting display at your home, but by keeping you off of a ladder, you (and your family) will have peace of mind knowing that you won’t be spending time and money on a holiday ER visit.

Give No Fuss Lights a call today at 281-809-7021, or visit our website at – and leave the Christmas light installation to us!

How No Fuss Lights Prices Your Christmas Light Display Installation

We understand how busy the holiday season can be for our clients. Our full service Christmas light and decoration rental program makes seasonal decorating truly no Fuss for our clients.

After years of talking to our customers about their past Christmas Light experiences, we have found that the majority of our clients wasted valuable time either digging out old damaged decorations or testing lights so that the “Installer” could hang their lights. Many of our customers risked life and limb to do it themselves, thus wasting an entire weekend and possibly making frequent trips to fight holiday crowds at Home Depot.

These scenarios are typical of our customers’ past experiences with so-called “professional” installers:

  1. After purchasing commercial lights provided by the installer, their displays were never installed correctly. (some were even circuit breakers, extra outlets, and fancy timer systems that never worked right!)
  2. The installer stored the lights for the customer and went out of business – and is nowhere to be found!
  3. The installer did a great job hanging the lights… but never came and took them down.

By joining the decorating rental program, you never have to purchase Christmas lights again. You’re guaranteed to never have to fix a broken bulb, replace a faded bow or wreath, or even set foot on a ladder. No Fuss Lights brings our materials to your home each year, and guarantees that your display will continue working year after year (while offering discounts for renewing years!).

In addition, our program does not require a long term commitment. is so confident that we will earn your returning business by providing such a high quality display that there is no need for a long term commitment. We offer all customers a written quote in year 1 that not only outlines the details of the lighting display, but also provides you with a quote for reinstalling the same display in future years at a renewal discount. cares about your display and wants to provide assurances that you get what you pay for. That’s why we structure our rental program in a manner that is beneficial to our customers. Our customers receive a free display design and budget consultation; and once we put together a design that fits your needs, we require a 75% deposit to book your install date. The other 25% of the balance is due after the removal your display. We have found that clients like the fact that the remaining balance holds accountable for the quality of the install, and ensures that we will come and remove the lights in a timely and professional manner.

But you may be wondering: how does price its installation projects?

An experienced No Fuss Lights designer works with you to determine your holiday lighting and decorating needs, and helps you determine a reasonable budget for your display. We work with all the latest trends and commercial quality materials, and provide our clients with pricing calculated on a rate per linear foot of lights for your property. We can either have a designer meet you at your home to measure and provide you with a design, or we can provide you with a rough estimate based on pictures that you can email to No Fuss Lights at

It’s our goal to provide the best displays available at a reasonable price. We offer several different pricing discounts that will help you when creating your display budget-

  • If you choose to have your lights put up before the holiday season arrives, you can qualify for an early install discount. We can install all non-intrusive decorations in early to mid November, and then return after Thanksgiving to hang wreathes, bows, and other items.
  • If you refer another customer to No Fuss Lights, we will also give you a referral discount on your installation as well.
  • And every time you renew your lighting display for the following holiday season, you will receive a 15% discount off of your original installation rate. This loyalty discount remains in effect even if you move to another home during the calendar year.*

There may be other discounts for which you may be eligible, so call No Fuss Lights at 281-809-7021 to find out more information!

*-The loyalty discount would be calculated on a linear-foot basis at the new location.

What’s in a No Fuss Lights Contract?

You can probably see the appeal of the services provided by No Fuss Lights. After all, you probably don’t relish bundling up, getting out in the cold weather, teetering on a ladder, untangling and testing lights, and hanging them on your roof and trees. It’s cumbersome, time-consuming, and dangerous.

No Fuss Lights can handle every aspect of your holiday lighting display, from design to installation to removal. But considering all the fine print that is often found in mobile phone, cable provider, and even employment or mortgage contracts, you may be wary about signing a contract with No Fuss Lights.

With that in mind, here is a little more information about No Fuss Lights contracts.

  • You’re not signing a multi-year agreement. No Fuss Lights is confident that you’ll be so satisfied with their service and displays, you’ll want to call on them again next year. That’s why you’re not on the hook for two, three, five, or more years of light installations.
  • There’s no minimum price. No Fuss Lights doesn’t impose a mandatory minimum cost on any project. So you don’t have to be concerned about whether your job is too small.
  • You don’t have to pay the full amount up front. No Fuss Lights takes a deposit of 75% at the time of the contract signing, and you don’t have to pay the balance until your lights are removed after the holiday season.
  • Your lights will be installed promptly. Once the contract is signed, No Fuss Lights strives to have the displays installed within 36 hours. That way, you’re not stuck wondering where your lights are as the holiday season progresses.

In other words, partnering with No Fuss Lights is easy and convenient. So why not give them a call today at 281-809-7021 to see what they can do for you?

How to Get a Price Quote from No Fuss Lights

So you’re thinking about having outdoor lights professionally installed for your next Christmas display, holiday party, or special event. And you want the experts at No Fuss Lights to handle the project. How do you go about getting a quote on how much it will cost?

There are a couple of ways to go about this. First, you can arrange to have a No Fuss Lights representative come out to your home free of charge, assist you in the lighting design, take the appropriate measurements, and calculate an installation cost. But if you have a busy or unpredictable schedule, it may be difficult to arrange a time where you can be home to meet the representative.

An alternative is to secure a quote via email. You can contact No Fuss Lights at to receive your online quote. If you select this option, here are the elements which can help you get an accurate estimate:

  • Photo(s) of your home and/or the areas to be decorated
  • Measurements of rooflines, walls, and other surfaces where the lights will be hung
  • Descriptions and/or measurements of trees, shrubs, and other landscaping features which will be decorated
  • Types of lights that you would prefer (colored, large bulbs, etc.)
  • Your property address and a contact phone number

In most cases, a No Fuss Lights representative will call you to discuss your emailed quote submission in order to obtain the details that will help him provide you with the most precise price quote possible

So email No Fuss Lights or call them at 281-809-7021 today. You’ll be surprised at how affordable a professionally-installed outdoor light display can be!

LED Retrofits For Outdoor Lighting is Green

Green is a very good color for homeowners, residential complexes, and businesses.

They try to do all they can to save some “greenbacks;” but they also want to help out the environment as well. Here’s the good news: retrofitting your outdoor or landscape lighting fixtures with LED lamps and bulbs can help you achieve both of those “green” goals.

LED lights are much more eco-friendly than their halogen counterparts. That’s because each LED bulb is extremely energy-efficient, requiring a smaller amount of energy than halogen bulbs to produce the same level of illumination. As a result, LED bulbs generate much less ambient heat than halogen products do. Typically, LED lamps are more rugged and resistant to extreme weather than most fragile, easily breakable halogen lamps. Finally, LED bulbs usually last at least 50,000 hours – or about twenty times as long as a standard halogen bulb.

This energy efficiency translates into monetary savings for those who use them. For starters, the energy costs associated with LED lights tend to be about 1/4 (or less) what property owners pay to keep their halogen lamps lit. Those cost reductions alone are enough to recoup the expenditures of an LED retrofit in a relatively short period of time. Plus, commercial properties and residential complexes will be able to allocate fewer maintenance hours toward bulb replacement and similar lighting-related tasks.

So if you want your outdoor or landscape lighting to be greener, give No Fuss Lights a call today at (281) 809-7021. They can set you up with a free, no-obligation quote on retrofitting your existing halogen bulb system with LED bulbs and lamps.

Need Lights For Your Landscaping? No Fuss Lights Can Help!

If you have a green thumb, there’s a good chance that you have spent countless hours and/or a significant amount of money to create your ideal outdoor space. Whether your landscaping consists of bushes, trees, and flower beds or incorporates other elements like walls, pavers, rock, and water features, your landscaping reflects your own personal style and tastes.

Unfortunately, your beautiful landscaping may be difficult (or impossible) to see once the sun goes down. The solution? Attractive landscape lighting from No Fuss Lights!

Because we can appreciate the importance of design and detail, No Fuss Lights take a unique approach to every landscape lighting project. We utilize your landscape’s existing architectural strengths and nuances to provide the perfect accents and illumination to enhance the beauty of your property. Whether you have a flair for the dramatic or you prefer a soft, subtle mood, No Fuss Lights has the knowledge and expertise to give you the landscape illumination you want.

No Fuss Lights uses high-quality fixtures and materials which are sturdy and functional as well as aesthetically-pleasing. Our lamps and bulbs are long-lasting and eco-friendly, and our wiring and electrical components meet our stringent safety standards before they are placed in any customer’s yard. Finally, we design our landscape lighting systems so they easy to use, weather-resistant, and service-free.

So if you want your property to be the toast of the neighborhood during both daytime and nighttime hours, consider landscape lighting from No Fuss Lights. Call us now at 281-809-7021 for a free, no-obligation quote!

Why are LED Outdoor Lights Better?

You may have noticed the increasing number of light displays across the Houston area that feature LED outdoor lights instead of traditional incandescent bulbs. This is especially true when looking at many of the landscape lighting displays that are present in people’s yards.

Why are so many people switching to LED outdoor lights?

  • They’re more energy-efficient. With regular incandescent bulbs, up to 98% of the energy can be lost as heat instead of being used to provide illumination. The superior efficiency of LED lights translates into a reduction in energy costs of as much as 90% in some cases.
  • They last longer. Because LED lights are more efficient, the bulbs will burn substantially longer than their incandescent counterparts. In fact, LED bulbs often come with a guarantee of up to five years.
  • They’re more durable. Regular incandescent lights utilize a filament which can break in certain weather conditions, causing the bulb to burn out prematurely. LED lights have no filaments that can malfunction – and they are also more resistant to heat and cold than incandescent bulbs are.
  • They’re easier on the environment. Incandescent bulbs have small amounts of mercury, which is toxic to plants, animals, and humans. Since LED lights do not contain mercury, they are considerably more eco-friendly.

No Fuss Lights uses LED lights that are just as aesthetically-pleasing as incandescent bulbs, but will remain lit longer without expending as much energy. So for energy-efficient, sturdy outdoor lighting that’s environmentally responsible, your only choice is No Fuss Lights. Be sure to call No Fuss Lights at 281-809-7021 to handle your next holiday display or outdoor event!